Claire Sterling

Australian violinist Claire Sterling studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London and the University of Melbourne, Australia. From 2004-2011 she was Principal Second Violin with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and was a regular performer in the SCO chamber series.  Other chamber appearances include Ireland’s Hard Rain Soloists Ensemble, Kinnordy Chamber Music, Wye Valley Chamber Music, Spitalfields, Arundel and City of London Festivals, as well as CHROMA, Mr McFall’s Chamber and Endymion. She is a regular soloist in London’s popular Bach to Baby series and her most recent performances have been with a newly-established chamber collective at Braishfield Music in Wiltshire.

Currently Co-Principal Second Violin with English National Opera, Claire is also a guest principal with several other UK orchestras. She appears with the Australian Chamber Orchestra and is a founding member of the renowned Australian World Orchestra.

Claire has a keen interest in period performance and is a member of Sir John Eliot Gardiner’s Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique. She also plays with the Academy of Ancient Music, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and the Australian Romantic and Classical Orchestra.