Support us

The cost of running Chamber Players greatly exceeds the income from the course. Despite the shortfall in income, we continue these courses because we believe that opportunities such as Chamber Players should be available to as many pupils as possible.

We overcome this shortfall in a variety of ways:

Every year, we hold a series of concerts, which are not only inspiring and enjoyable for everyone, but all proceeds go directly towards the Chamber Players scholarship fund. Please do keep coming to our concerts, and if you would like to be on the mailing list, please let me know.

If you have a business which might like to have an advert in our A5 programme, we have a number of price ranges for 1/4 page – full page adverts throughout the year, as well as tagging, and connecting up on our media posts. We would love to hear from you if you think that this could be of mutual support. 

A number of people have offered to sponsor a pupil to attend the course. We don’t disclose any details of pupils in receipt of bursaries, but sponsors have the knowledge that their gift is enabling an individual pupil to take part in this opportunity. For every pupil fee which is covered as a gift in this way, it means that our own fundraising efforts can go further, and more part-bursaries can be offered to more pupils. 

We also have a account, which if you would like to make a 1-off donation, this is a fairly quick way to do so, or if you prefer to donate directly to Chamber Players, without Paypal taking a percentage, the account details are: Ac. no. 51587858. Sort code: 60-21-12.

At no extra cost to you: If you ever purchase music online, here is a link to   SheetMusicPlus . 8% of sales through this direct link will be generated back into the Chamber Players fund. It may sound small, but over time it could accumulate to help a pupil or two.