We are experiencing a temporary difficulty with the online application form.
During this time, please could you email the information directly to lucyamelvin@gmail.com
You can either copy the information below and send in an email, or you could try this google form
Pupil’s Name
Pupil’s instrument Pupil’s age Pupil’s ability
Primary contact name
Primary contact telephone number Email address
Postal address
Pupil’s teacher
Pupil’s school
Contact details for teacher if possible
Previous playing experience
How did you hear about Chamber Players?
We prefer payment by BACS
Sort code:: 60-21-12
Account number:: 60445327
Account name:: Chamber Players (Please reference with your CHILD’s name)
A deposit of £115 per course is required to confirm the place. The remainder of the fee must be paid by 1st July
If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, please apply separately by email